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Monday, October 10, 2011

Enjoying the Season

Oh, Fall. Your really are my favorite. 

I know I promised you a Hallween post. And you will have it. Soon. But instead of working on that project this weekend or on anything else I needed to do, Mr. Lovie and I pretended like we didn't have To Do lists that were millions of miles long and visited this gem of a place: Tom's Maze and Pumpkin Farm  in Germantown, Ohio.  Does anybody else do that? Pretend you don't have anything to do on the weekends even though you really do and go do fun stuff? Bad decision for our To-Do lists' sakes, but man oh man, it was worth it, though.
Just look at these beautiful pumpkins. And the weather was perfect. How could I say no?
The warty ones are my favorite.

Oh yeah, fun pumpkins.

Blue pumpkins for real.

Pumpkins bigger than your head! 
And they had a pumpkin launcher.
And we saw this thing shoot a pumpkin at least a 1/2 mile. It was nuts. We counted down and everything.

And we had to go through the maze. Don't forget to follow "The Cornmandments." Or else.
With 12 mazes total, you complete each one when you find the puzzle piece in the hidden mailboxes. We had a lot to go here! 

How fun would it be to bring friends or your family and race against each other?
 Still going...
 You can't really tell, but that part of the maze makes a butterfly. 
 We Did it!!

 Victory Bridge is now in sight.
 Maze Warriors.
 And I got a warty pumpkin.
Great Fall day. 
What are you doing to get out and celebrate the season and enjoy the weather this Fall?
Thanks for reading my off topic post. Back to crafts soon. :)
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Sarah B. said... 1

I have "to do list denial" sometimes too! Looks like you had fun - those pumpkins look amazing!!

Katy said... 2

We went to a pumpkin farm this weekend too. My husband always breaks corn-mandment #5 when we go to corn mazes...boys ;). I absolutely love your outfit!

Jennp1751 said... 3

You and Mr. Lovie are so cute! This has totally inspired me to do some fall-type things this weekend. Definitely need to get some pumpkins. I love the weird pumpkins too :)

Sincerely Abi said... 4

What a fabulous way to spend a fall day! The photos you captured of the pumpkins are lovely!

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