I hope everyone has had a fabulous Halloween.
As you can see, we did! Above you will find one of my reasons for not posting this past week:
Miss Lovie as C3PO(all made by me, minus the glasses, leggings, and shoes), Mr. Lovie as R2D2(all made by me AND Mr. Lovie!!), and Nix as Darth Vador (altered by me because apparently medium sized dogs have legs that are 2 feet long). These costumes (and school and everything else) have robbed me of all possible free time. So worth it, though.
Droid Love 2011.
And, of course, Nix was evil all night.
"There is no escape. Don't make me destroy you."
"You don't know the power of the dark side!"
"I find your lack of faith disturbing"
(Side note: Since I got a new camera, I have amazingly been able to take pictures of our sweet, I mean evil, doggie Nix because she doesn't know it's a camera. Usually she is so scared of cameras that she runs out of the room, tucking her tail. And that means little cameras, big cameras, camera phones, etc. You could point a remote at her and act like you're taking a picture and she'd be outta there. But for some reason now that I have a huge, ominous, black, real-looking camera, she's cool with it. Weird. )
As I'm sure you have figured out by now,
I love Halloween.
Every year, I gather my bestest friends for a Halloween party and it just gets better every year. We've been doing this for 3 or so years now and I have accumulated 2 or 3 large tubs' worth of decorations (which, of course, don't include the pumpkins I usually glitter and carve). I always enjoy adding to the ridiculous collection of decor every year, but this year was a different kind of year because I made our costumes.
This took up the majority of my Halloween crafting time so not much time was able to be spent on new decorations, but it was so worth it. Don't you think? (Stay tuned for a brief how-to on both the C3PO and R2D2 costumes)
And of course, our costumes were great, but there were so many other amazing characters at our party. I love my friends and their creative abilities. :) I couldn't help but share a few pictures. 
An Amish "Father and Son"
A mime who refused to perform...
A sweet jack-o-lantern who was kind enough to host the party (oh yeah, and be a great best friend).
The Ringmaster, his Lead Performer and their Elephant...
Of course, The Great Barrier Reef! Their shirts and pants look tie dyed. :)
And many more not caught on film.
And these two were spookier than words. Somehow they were everywhere at once.
The lady ghost cursed this conversation of the circus performer and Mrs. Peacock (who was undoubtedly planning the circus performer's murder...it was Mrs. Peacock in the foyer with the knife....)
She snuck up on a football game...
She sometimes posed for photos with her best friends, but only spookily.
Then her other ghostly half of a husband snuck into pictures as well. Oh and there's the Riddler!
But he's best known as the ghost from up above. The Ringmaster could not believe his eyes.
"I'll get you."
The lady ghost loved dancing with the mime.
And he got caught ghost planking.
Needless to say, fun was had by all.
Know what the coolest part is? Hardly any of us live in the same place anymore and lots of us travelled to get to where we all know each other from, Lexington, Kentucky. We traveled from Georgetown, Kentucky, Louisville, Kentucky, Paducah, Kentucky, Atlanta, Georgia, Dayton, Ohio, etc. Travelling 2-6 hours for Halloween is dedication. I'm thankful that this crazy holiday is able to bring us all together.
Here's a couple shots of our decor.
BATS! (idea taken from Dana at Made). My bats are also seen in this post.
pumpkins seen earlier in this post
Glittered skulls and bones (idea taken from Martha Stewart)
Poe-inspired book wreath! (Wreath made by Dara of Teach. Craft. Love., raven purchased on sale at Michaels.)
Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
Batty Table Runner seen here, a mummy, some fun printables and pictures from previous Halloweens
Glittered candlesticks, skulls, and black lace votives decorating the bathroom (I simply cut a rectangle of black lace and sewed it together to slip it around the votive. Idea take from somewhere?)
Glittered pumpkin votives (Idea taken from Martha Stewart).
The R2D2 and C3PO Costume tutorial is now up. Go see it here! Not that you need the tutorials for this year, but I just want to put them out there in case you need them sometime! ha.
Happy Happy Halloween.
Thanks for reading.