So if you follow blogs using Google Reader (or follow blogs at all), I'm sure you've heard that Google Reader is going away. And it's leaving soon!! Like this Monday! Eek! This means that if you receive updates from my blog and the rest of the blogs you follow via Google Reader or if you have subscribed to blogs via GFC (Google Friend Connect), you will no longer be subscribed to those blogs unless you do something about it.
The good news is-you CAN do something about just have to do it before Monday. After Monday, all the hard work you put into finding just the perfect blogs for you will be gone.
Something that's super cool and convenient is that both Feedly and Bloglovin readers have made it very easy to transfer all your subscriptions to their reader. I've already made the switch to both and I've been trying them out.
How to Follow Miss Lovie....
There are lots of ways to make sure you never miss out on a Miss Lovie just have to decide which one is right for you!
For those of you who don't use a reader, this may be a great way to ensure you don't miss a post! You will receive updates easily in your inbox! I follow waayyyy too many blogs to do this so using a reader makes more sense for me, but it's a good option for many people!
I've really enjoyed using Feedly. I like that you can change the layout, I love that I can organize my blogs into categories for a more organized way of reading, and I love that the social media icons are built right in making it very easy to share anything I find. You can even pin things to Pinterest directly from Feedly! Also, even though it's a pain to lose Google Reader, I'm pumped about not having to wait for things to load forever. Feedly is much faster than the old Google Reader.
Bloglovin has been around longer than Feedly and is a very popular reader. It has a very simple layout, a clean look, and a great search feature that allows you to find blogs like the ones you already follow. It to has ways to categorize your blogs and is a lot faster than the old Google Reader.
Of course, you can also follow me via social media. I usually try to update my statuses about anything I post on my blog.
Now that you're following me in every way possible :), let's make sure the rest of your blog subscriptions get transferred over!
Not sure what subscription service to use? Yeah, me either. That's why I'm still trying both Feedly and Bloglovin. You can do that to. Do it NOW-before Google Reader is gone!
When you click that link up there, you'll land on this page. Once you click that blue button, you're golden. Get ready to read away.
When you click on that link, you'll land on this page. Just click that blue button up there, you'll be all connected to Feedly. So easy!
Oh! and they both have great apps to use on your iPhone and Android phones!
If you read a substantial amount of blogs, using a reader really is the best way to go. It's free, and you can browse through all your favorite content quickly and efficiently. It's just like a facebook or a twitter "feed", except with blog content. So good.
If you've never used a reader before, simply go to Feedly or Bloglovin', create an account and start adding your favorite blogs!
Still confused or not sure about what you should use to read blogs?
Here are some more great posts on choosing and using the new readers:

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