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Sunday, August 5, 2012

30 With 30...Playing Catch Up

So I really wanted to have 6 outfits for this week-you know this week that is over since I'm already posting this way late...
However, I've been spending all my time in shorts and tshirts this past week in my classroom getting things ready for the upcoming school year. Unpacking everything and re-organizing it all takes forever. And on top of that, I've gone crazy and am also painting some of my classroom furniture at the same time. Whew. Hopefully it will be beautiful and perfect. 
Ha, I couldn't resist. I'll also be sewing up some curtains and a chair cushion and who knows what else this week. Who cares about lesson plans, my room will be cute. ha.

So here's last week's outfits...I'll catch up some day. :)
Outfit #7 Lace Top, Ombre Necklace, (wrinkly) Tan Skirt
Oops, I guess I could have ironed. 
Lace top: Forever 21, Summer 2011, Tan skirt: Forever, 21, Fall, 2011, Shoes...??, and...
And yes, I have worn that tan skirt in every 30 with 30 post so far. What? It's just SO versatile. I'll branch out next time.
Outfit #7 Lace Top-belted, Skinny Jeans, and heels
Let it be known that I am a flats almost all the time kind of girl (except for special occasions). I blame it on two things: my job (teaching kinder babies) and my clumsiness. Seriously heels are pretty scary for me and my balance skills. However I love the chunky heel on these as well as wedges. 
Lace top:same as above, belt: Ann Taylor, Winter 2011, Skinny jeans: Gap Outlet Winter 2010, shoes??, necklace: Forever 21, Bracelet: Target, Spring 2012
Outfit #7 Printed Cardigan, Lace Top, Yellow Shorts and Sandals
Oh, cardigans. You are one of my most favorite things. 
Cardigan: Target, Winter 2011 (I think!), Top under cardigan: same lace top as above, shorts: Forever 21, summer 2011, shoes: TJ Maxx, Summer 2012, Necklace: vintage from Street Scene, Bracelet: Target, Spring 2012
Thank for reading! 
I hope to have a couple tutorials up for you this week...or at least a painting furniture post...if I ever get it all done, that is! Have a great week! 

Linking up with the 30 with 30 project by Kate and Lauren on From My Grey Desk. You can still join in!


Alixandria said... 1

Love all your outfits :)
I need to play catch up with my
30 x 30 as well

Alixandria said... 2


ramsaygrace said... 3

I know exactly how it is trying to get your classroom ready, as I taught 4th grade for the last 5 years. Every year I'd tell myself I wouldn' go overboard with decorating,'s just so fun and those babies LOVE it! Are you going to post pics of your room? Would LOVE to see them! It's always fun to see what others are doing in their rooms.

Anonymous said... 4

I love your outfits, especially the one with the statement necklace: the first one. I love how it compliments the simplicity of the rest of the outfit. :)
I found you in H54F and followed you via GFC and in Twitter. You can find me @whyyyjen. You can also check out my blog at :)


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