Hello, Miss Lovie family!
My wedding was a couple weeks ago so now I am back to blogging as usual, I hope! Today I have my Thanksgiving Mantel for you! I know a lot of you are already decorating for Christmas, but bypassing Thanksgiving is just so sad! And so is throwing away pumpkins before they're done. I love pumpkins and mine are still kicking so a Thanksgiving mantel it is. My tree can wait a few more weeks before it goes up!
I hope you enjoy my mantel. We started renting this old home in a historical district back in May of this year. We've been so busy since that I'm just now getting the chance to decorate this beautiful fireplace for real. The mantel itself is very narrow so that brought a bit of difficulty finding pieces that would fit up there, but I found a few things just around the house that worked well.
If you love the Fabric Heart Bunting, go here for the full tutorial and templates!
Mr. Lovie and I bought the old windows off Craigslist and got a crazy awesome deal for them along with a few others. They were originally intended for wedding decor, but I'm so excited they double as decorations for our home!
These awesome Reader's Digest books came from a yard sale. I love the colors in them so much. They tend to be the item that ends up in every room when I move items around to decorate because I love them so much.
The chalkboard frame came from Home Goods and I think the frame was originally blue? I spray painted it gold and used it in wedding decorations as well. I used this chalkboard art tutorial. It is so easy. Those who know me well know I cannot do pretty lettering on anything!
Everything in this mantel design was done with things I already had so that was really exciting. I love saving money.
Love my fabric heart bunting? Find the tutorial and free template here!
Pumpkins! These were left over from our wedding as well.
Thank you so much for reading!
I am definitely thankful for you!!
Again, you can find the tutorial and template for the heart banner here!
I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving and a fantastic holiday season!

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