Welcome to My Favorite Things Thursdays!!
I found some fabulous stuff this week...Check it out!
I just LOVE the colors and patterns in this print. I'm sure you already know her, but if not, Lara is incredibly talented and everything she does is "Wow" material. You should definitely go browse her site (for hours). Go visit that post to read about how she finds inspiration!

Pleated Red Pants by Lizzie at Cotton and Curls
I seriously love this girl. She has the best quick refashion tutorials all the time. I just love how these red pleated pants turned out by using her Tailor your Trousers tutorial.

Basic Pocket Tote by Dana at Made
If you read craft blogs, you have to know Dana. I love this tutorial. Dana has a special way of making her tutorials very clear with beautiful pictures at every turn. I squeal a little every time she shows us something new. This basic tote has made it to my to-sew list for sure.
Uh, these are totally cool. This post links to the tutorial for the earrings (which is such a cool idea!) and then there is another post for the necklace. I like it because it's different and just think how cute it would be if you found a bunch of different buttons and used them?! I'm really excited about the earring tutorial for sure.
Tulle Pom Pom Headbands by Tanya atTrey and Lucy
Could this baby be any cuter?! Tanya's blog was one of the very first ones I found and got me addicted to reading craft blogs, which eventually led me to creating my own. (Thanks Tanya!) She always has the cutest ideas! And usually they're simple to do, too! I just love this little pom pom headband. It's so sweet. Go get that tutorial! 

Inspired Lamp by Mandi at Vintage Revivals
This lamp is super cool. Mandi never disappoints. But what I really like about this post is Mandi's thoughts on the difference in being inspired by something you see and using it to create something that is yours and has your voice versus just copying an idea. Good thoughts. Definitely a good read!!

What a great idea, huh?! Found this on Pinterest, of course, and I just had to share. I love ceiling medallions. All of those painted and clustered together look awesome.
End of the Year Puzzle Gift by Arianne at Kethchen's Kindergarten
And this last post is for the Kinder teachers out there! You are probably winding the year down, as we are and need a special gift for your little ones. This idea from my kinder teammate's blog is great. Use her label and attach it to a small puzzle (Go to the dollar store!!), add a Smartie, and you're done! Easy, cute, and they'll love it.
If you were featured, feel free to grab a button!
Hope you enjoyed my favorites this week! See you soon!
The buttons are cool, the baby is adorable!
I love your blog Allie! There is so much here....I adore it!
I am so happy to be your newest follower! I would love for you to come visit me when you get the chance.
Heather's Heart
Aww!! Thanks for the shout out!! :)
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