A Tutorial! Yay! It's about time, right?
Stained glass flower crafts are so classic. I love them. I had never done any with my students before and the day before spring break I determined that it was high time. I got the idea and most of the directions for these at
DTLK crafts, but I made my own templates and added some things. :)
They really do look so pretty in our classroom window. Wanna make some in your classroom? Or with your kids at home? Let's do it. After I modeled it for them, my kindergarteners did all parts of this activity except the actual ironing.
Construction Paper
Crayon Sharpeners
Old Towel
Wax Paper, about a 12x12 sheet per flower.
1. Copy the flower and stem template onto the appropriate color construction paper. Fold template in half and make a cut in the middle. (This template is not symmetrical so you cant keep it folded and cut and then unfold). 2. Unfold the template, stick scissors inside the cut and cut the flower out
from the inside. This was a little difficult for some of my kiddos, but I had extras on hand. :) 3. Cut out the stem and glue it to the flower.

1. Sharpen crayons to get a good amount of shavings. You can use different coordinating colors if you like. 2. You probably shouldn't let children shave the crayons, but if you're trying to help them out, this way might be faster for you. 3. Lay a towel down and the wax paper on top. Dump the shavings out onto the wax paper 4. and spread them out.
1. Fold the wax paper over itself, completely covering the shavings and leaving a couple of inches between any edges to insure the melted crayon doesn't seep out. 2. Cover the folded wax paper with the towel. Be sure you use an old towel just in case any of the shavings spill out and it gets on the towel. You can tell in the picture that after doing about 20 of these, this did happen to me. Hold the iron over top of each area for several seconds. It will seem like nothing ins happening for awhile and then everything will be melted at once so watch it. The iron should be on a medium to low setting.

And this is what you get! Pretty!
1. Position the flower cut out over the part of the melted crayon you like the best. 2. Glue it down. 3. Cut off any excess wax paper around the construction paper.

Just for fun I made some grasses to go under the flowers to make it look like a little spring garden. :) These are optional, of course.
These are, of course, my students' creations.
Cute, huh? Even the most odd color combos came out great! You really can't go wrong with this project.
Now I think it's time to get out some sweet little springtime books so we can learn more about what Spring can bring!
Thanks for reading!
Linking to the parties on my sidebar.