Wednesday, August 1, 2012

So You Think You're Crafty Projects Re-Cap

Well if you follow me on Twitter or Facebook (if not, you should so you don't miss anything!!), then you have noticed something is not bugging you to go vote on your favorite project on So You Think You're Crafty this week!! Being eliminated last week was project for this week's theme, On the Go! was so fun! (I'll share eventually) and I was really having fun during the competition. However, it's been nice not stressing about next week's post for it, as well, and I've squeezed in a little relaxation before my new school year meetings start up so that's good. There are still some great crafters left so you should keep following along and keep voting...I know I will be. :)

If you missed any of the projects I made for the contest, here they all are! Enjoy.
Comfy times.
 Tutorial coming soon, I swear!! :) This week, I hope, for reals.
 My heart still swoons over this necklace...(and my hands might ache a little in remembrance, too)
I miiiiiight be already tweaking this project. Oops. Any updates will be posted. :)
Shabam. Take that fading ombre trend. :) Love this necklace, too.
Hello, new summer essential.

Finally, here's a sneak peek of the project I didn't get to post (because I didn't get enough votes to continue to this week...) for the "On the Go" theme. I'm kinda super excited about it and will share it with you soon!!
If you're a teacher or a parent, you might have guessed what it might be, but it's still cooler than you think :)

Thanks to everyone who supported me in the So You Think You're Crafty contest and for all the positive comments about my projects. You guys are the best.
Thanks for reading and see ya soon!

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I'm so glad you're here! I love your comments! I will read and cherish them all. :)