Saturday, January 28, 2012

Vintage Happy Birthday "Wreath"

Happy Saturday!!
I hope everyone is having a great weekend! I'm excited because my awesome sister, Maggie, is up visiting me all weekend...and it's her birthday!! Since I still had my Christmas wreath up, (don't judge me...) I decided to make Maggie a special wreath so she'd know how excited I was to see her this weekend.  And the Vintage Happy Birthday Wreath was born.
 I borrowed both frames from other projects...The big one is the frame I used in my Framed Yarn and Lace Heart Wreath that I originally got at an antique store. The small one is one I painted to frame some Curly Girl Designs cards I love. Since neither frames were currently hanging, I figured I could borrow them. 
 Then I just cut out some letters from an old vintage sheet (the coral floral fabric) and used fabric glue to stick them onto a white oval of fabric and stuck it in the frame. Then I whipped up a couple of tiny buntings with the vintage sheet and some other fabrics and lace I had on hand. The corner looked a little bare so I made the bow using my speedy hot glue technique that I also used for these bows that I promise I'll share with you at some point. 
Even though it's for a birthday, I think it'd be cute anywhere, any time really. I need about 10 more of those white and gold it.
Hope you like it!! 

So while I was making the wreath last night, Mr. Lovie was making this awesome thing. 
 This Killer Peanut Butter Mousse Brownie Pie (found here) is absolutely amazing. I highly recommend it. 
Mr. Lovie and I make a pretty good birthday weekend team, I'd say. And don't  make fun of me for my square "pie pan". It's what we had. Ha!! 

Oh and Maggie was really excited to have her birthday on "Christmas" this year...
I mean why even take the tree down now, right? Ok so it might come down tomorrow. Maybe. 
Her birthday presents look good under there.

Thanks for reading! Linking my "wreath" up to the parties on my sidebar!! 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

These are a Few of My Favorite Things Thursdays!

Welcome to the first ever These are a Few of My Favorite Things Thursdays! 
Ok please, be real with me about the name...I've been trying to think of a good one for forever and this is the only half decent thing I came up with! Do you like it? Is it too long? If you have any other suggestions, I'd willingly take them! 

The idea behind These are a Few of My Favorite Things Thursdays is to compile a list of some things I think are awesome and love each week. If you have any projects you want featured, just email me! (missloviecreations(at) I tend to love everything... so narrowing it down is pretty tough, but I've got some good ones here for ya... And a good mix too. DIY clothing, V-Day decor, and a cozy, organized studio space. Enjoy. And go visit some of these ladies! You won't regret it! 
I want to make one of these, like, now. And find that mustard sweater. LOVE. 

Uh, how amazing is Sarah?! She has some of the best refashion ideas. The original skirt here was $2.50. The gold buttons are my fave.
I'm loving the blue, green, and gray plaid, but the reason why I'm really loving this skirt is it was made from her late grandma's old shirt. How nice would it be to have your grandmother's clothes live on in a different way? I really like that idea. 

That's right, you can have these printables for free and pair them up with some cute little gifts and have a sweet and special 14-day valentine's event with your man! Almost all the work is done for you!

CUTE.NESS. I love the big simple red bow. I love the cutesy colorful hearts. The hearts fabric totally makes it. And it's perfect against that door. Simple and sweet. 

Sometimes all the red, pink, and white of Valentine's makes me a little nutso. Pink is not my fave so when it is used in small doses, I am much happier. This simple and clean Valentine's mantle is perfect. The color of the mantle is awesome and it definitely makes the little bit of pink okay. :) They banner is fabulous and the little wooden slab + heart is sweet. 

Even though I already shared these on my facebook, I just couldn't not talk about these awesome bookmarks. They are the cutest. Loooove the printables that go with them, too. And easy! I may see a class set forming soon for my kinder babies...


The before stages of her studio gave me hope. My work space totally looks like that on a regular basis. I also love how warm and inviting her space is. The fabric on the chairs are great, I LOVE the rug, I'm loving the old bench/table that would be a perfect height for sitting on the floor to work on projects without breaking your back, the art on the wall is (of course) fabulous, and the organization in the closet makes me want to go organize everything right now.

If you were featured, please grab a button!!

Miss Lovie Creations

I hope you enjoyed this first features post!! Stop back for more next Thursday!


Monday, January 23, 2012

2012 Hopes and Goals and New Things for Miss Lovie

Yes, I know the first month of 2012 is almost over and that this post is quite late. However, I still want to share with you some of my personal goals and also some ideas for Miss Lovie and hopefully get your input! More on that on down in this post...

If you haven't yet, please go check out the One Word Goal Series going on at Less Cake More Frosting. There is so much inspiration there from so many talented bloggers. I've loved reading along. It has inspired me to really think about what I want this year to be like.

Now, before I go listing my hopes and goals, I want to preface it with I have recently realized I might be crazy. 
Currently I am teaching full time as a kindergarten teacher, attending grad school part time in a different state where I have to drive 2 hours to class once a week from which I am graduating this year(!), I'm writing and creating for Miss Lovie, and I am contibuting to BCD. Hm. Do you think I'm crazy, too? Those 2 grad classes are the real kicker here. They're going to take over my life. 

That being said, however, I believe, 
you always have to make time for the things you love.
 I will (somehow) make it all work. And it's only for less than 4 months. I can do this. 

Which brings me to my first #1 most important goal: 
Be More Efficient.
With so much on my plate, I need to make the most of my time. In every aspect of my day. I am not an organized person. I always say I don't think my brain is wired for that kind of thing. I need to make a more conscious effort to be a little more organized with what I plan for my day: at school, in creating, and for grad school work. Also, I may or may not be a procrastinator...this does not help. I must overcome.
No more internet surfing for hours and hours on end. 
Do homework. 
Lesson Plan. 
And, of course, I'll have to throw some relaxation and cuddling with Nixon Girl (doggie) and Matty Boy (Mr. Lovie) in there as much as possible...but that's it!! Until I'm done with grad school!

A few other goals...

Now. Those are all broad real life/creative life goals and while some overlap, of course, this does not include my school/work/professional goals at all. That's a whole other ball game which would require another blog entirely. Ha! 

Now let's move on to where I need your input. 
I would love love love to create a schedule on my blog so that you always knew what you'd see here on Miss Lovie. I love blogs that have special posts set aside for certain days of the week and everytime you come to that blog on that day you know you'll find it. 

You know those I'm talking about... Like the ever popular: What I Wore Wednesday on the Pleated Poppy where Lindsey shares what she wore that day and throughout the week, $5 Friday on Simple Simon and Co. where Elizabeth and Liz show what they can make from $5 or less, or Sunshine Sunday on I Am Momma Hear Me Roar where Cheri shares what she is thankful for during that week. I love all those series (and all those blogs). 

This is what I'm moving towards. 
We have to take baby steps here, though. (Only because of my other life commitments. Boo to those.) Come summertime, though, you all better watch out. 
That is unless the pool calls my name too often like it did last summer...oops.

Here are a few things I'm thinking of incorporating weekly. Let me know what you think.
1. Because we're both awesome...I am definitely going to do a feature-type post on Thursdays.... 
My thoughts are to search and find things in blog land that I love and feature them and then occasionally take submissions from readers as well! Does this sound fun? 
Email me if you have a super fabulous post you want featured on Miss Lovie!!
2. What do you currently like to read here and what do you want to see more of on Miss Lovie? 
Do you love all the tutorials? Keep 'em coming? More jewelry? More wreaths? More holiday decor? Sewing? Something new? Let me have it. I will definitely share my projects with you as much as possible, but what do you want to see most? 
I may have over 4, 000 pins. Wow.
3. What do you think about a "What I'm Wearing" or a "What I'm Cooking" post once a week?  
Pinterest has changed my life. I know that sounds crazy, but really. I have never cooked more than I have since organizing and saving recipes on my Recipes to Try board. Likewise, I have never been more inspired to pull exciting and interesting outfits together since pinning a ton of ideas to my Wanna Wear It board. A "What I'm Wearing" post would be an outfit post by me (a teacher on a budget!) where I'd also include my favorite fashion pins or links to favorite fashion blogs. A "What I'm Cooking" post would include a recipe or two I've cooked either from Pinterest or from a blog I've found via Pinterest and what I thought of it, how I changed it, etc. 

What do you think?
 Please respond! Sometimes I think I'm writing to myself! I want to know what you want! Let me know what you think in the comments please. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Great News!

So if you follow me on facebook or twitter, you've already heard, but just so everyone knows...
 I am officially the new jewelry contributor for Blue Cricket Design!
 I'm so excited! Don't worry. I'll still be posting here just as much as always (and hopefully more!). But now you'll be able to get more Miss Lovie jewelry goodness in more places than one! I will also post any new projects that get posted at BCD on here in case you miss them. 

I hope you're as excited as I am. Click on over to see the rest of the contributors at BCD. I think Blue Cricket Design is going to have some even more awesome content these days with all those lovely ladies posting. 

I'm hoping to get some good new projects up this weekend/early next week, but for now I'm going to start on grad school homework. Woh. Woh.

What are your plans for this weekend? Anyone making anything awesome? 


Monday, January 16, 2012

Necklace Refashion Tutorial {Lengthen and Knot}

Working on jewelry this weekend felt good. I need to do it more. It makes me happy. 
I have all these ideas and then I look at my blog (and my jewelry stash) and realize I haven't done hardly any of them. Get on it, Allie. 2012, get ready for more Miss Lovie jewelry.
So here's the story. I had this necklace (above) I bought it from Express at least 4 years ago (maybe more). There's nothing wrong with it. I like it mostly, but I never wore it. I'd try it on with an outfit and I'd say "meh" and pick a different one that I wore all the time instead. So I decided I needed to just revamp it. 
Lengthen it.
SO much better. I love the large antique bronze chain. The large beads at the ends where it connects to the chain were already there and they make the necklace flow nicely, I think. 
Then I thought, what would happen if I....
tie it in a knot! 
Ooh! I like that, too. Sweet! And in, seriously 15 minutes or less, I have not only one new necklace that I'm bound to wear way more, but two!!
Ready to make your own? Don't worry. You don't have to be a jewelry-making professional for this. It really is very easy. 
Let's get started!!
1. bent nose pliers and flat nose pliers
2. jump rings big enough to fit around your chain
3. lobster clasp
4. smaller chain (only about 5 or 6 inches worth)
5. large chain (13 inches, cut in half, or however long you need it depending on the necklace you're refashioning)
6. necklace that needs a revamp (mine was 16 inches long)
NOTE: I got almost all materials from Michael's. They usually have the best prices/sales on jewelry and they have a great selection usually. Tools really are relatively inexpensive. I say this all the time, but if you've never made jewelry before, don't let "Well, I don't have the tools so I can't do this" stop you. Jewelry making is fun and easy. Buy the tools you won't be disappointed. :)

1. Take apart your old Necklace
See? It's not bad really, it was just neglected.
Open the jump ring by holding one side of the ring with one set of pliers and holding the other side of it with your other set of pliers and simply pull apart. Your bent nose pliers are thinner and easier to work with so I usually position my flat nose pliers in my left hand to hold the jump ring stationary and then I use my bent nose pliers in my right and let them do most of the work. 
Here's my deconstructed necklace. I think I'll have to find something fun to do with that sweet little bow charm. See how the ends of the necklace already have loops? We're going to utilize those!
2. Attach closure to the chain. 
My large chain was already cut in half and the perfect size (miraculously enough that was left over from a previous project!!) so I don't have a picture of measuring the chain and halving it. You need two 6.5 inch lengths of chain (if your old necklace is the same length as mine). This chain is huge and pretty strong so instead of cutting, pull apart a link (and then re-close it) to separate it into 2 pieces.
Now let's attach the lobster clasp to one end of the large chain. Open a jump ring (as shown above) and slide on the lobster clasp and the chain and then use your pliers to push the jump ring back together as it was before you opened it. Make sure it is fully closed. You don't want your necklace falling apart. That has, of course, never happened to me.... riiiiight. 
Then take your other piece of chain and attach the small chain to it using the same method. The small chain can be used if you want to adjust your necklace. You can hook the lobster clasp to the jump ring to close it or to one of the links in the small chain. 
3. Attach large chain to old necklace.
Now attach both pieces of large chain to the necklace with jump rings as seen above. 
It should look like this now. 
And you're finished! Easy right?!
Or you could (unhook the clasp) and tie it in a knot! I love 2 for 1 deals!

And versatility!! 

This is one happy girl. Who wouldn't be when you get three day weekends which give you plenty of time to create, clean and organize, relax a little, and get ready for the next school week. I vote that we make three day weekends a regular thing. Who's with me?
Linking to the parties on my sidebar and 
One Artsy Mama

P.S. Keep a look out...I just may have found another way or two to revamp this necklace...get excited.
