Friday, May 17, 2013

Layered Necklaces Tutorial

Hello, friends! I've missed you!! 
Be sure to head on over to 30 Handmade Days for this great Layered Necklaces Tutorial
I'm loving the layered necklaces look right now and since I couldn't figure out a good way to mix and match any of the necklaces I had, I just made more. Be sure to check it out for more pictures and a tutorial! 

It feels good to be posting. I bet you guys think I've abandoned you. Nope. There are just a lot of things that have been going on around here...we moved, Mr. Lovie graduated law school (woo!), I planned and had a graduation party for him (more on that very soon!), it's now the end of the school year (which is always nuts) and, oh yeah, more wedding panning. It became tricky to work, do all those things, and blog. I'm hoping that maybe, finally, I'll have a little more time since the last day of school is a week from today!! I love my kindergarten babies, but I'm ridiculously excited to see them graduate and start my summer break! Summer = a little more time to do what I love- create and share those creations with you. Yay. 

Thanks for reading!


  1. This looks amazing! I am new from southern charm! I would love for you to check out my blog and hopefully follow me back! Nicole!


I'm so glad you're here! I love your comments! I will read and cherish them all. :)