Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Back To School Event Coming Soon!

So here's an exciting announcement! 
I'm having a Back to School Event! 
And it starts a week from today!!

I know some of your kids have already started back or are starting back soon so I hope that my fabulous guest bloggers and I can show you some wonderful ideas that you can use for the beginning of school or just throughout the school year! 

I figured since I have been totally immersed in getting ready in my classroom for this school year I might as well incorporate some of my ideas into my blog. And we all know there are a billion and one wonderful back to school ideas out there, so I invited a few of my fave bloggers to share their ideas as well. There will be a great line up of guests and fun ideas from them and me! Pretty much-you don't want to miss it! 

So, please forgive me for being MIA last week. I've been planning, planning and making crafts, doing lesson plans, cleaning and organizing my classroom, making more crafts....etc. :) We'll talk soon! Get excited!

I'd love it if you'd grab a button from my sidebar and spread the word!! 


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I'm so glad you're here! I love your comments! I will read and cherish them all. :)