Sunday, June 26, 2011

Great Ideas for the 4th!


Our great American holiday is approaching quickly. Have I made anything for it yet? Nope.

So for the past few weeks I have not been motivated to complete any projects I'd started or to do anything new either. Sometimes I just get in a rut and would rather read, watch SYTYCD, or lay by the pool than do anything craft-related. After starting on some jewelry I'm making for bridesmaids at a friend's wedding, however, the creative itch began and it kept growing. Now I have so many things I want to do, I don't have enough time to do them. Does this ever happen to you?!

Since I've been working on the jewelry this weekend (and plan to show it off sometime later) I have nothing I made to show you. Instead I rounded up some great 4th of July projects I've found around blog-land that I love. These, along with others, have inspired me to get working on my own.


4th of july pie 002
at Creations by Kara 
2011-06-26 028
at I Made it on Monday
I love this one. She uses plain elastic as a belt outside her dress. It's not attached so she can change the look of her dress by moving it up and down her torso/waist/hips. Perfect!
at the Scrap Shoppe
Made using the Silhouette :)
at Heart Break Kids
This is the cutest ever, right?
at Sassy Sanctuary
I love scrap wreaths!! 

Feeling Patriotic?
Yeah, me, too. 
 Hopefully I can actually post something I made soon. :) 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Pinterest Addiction

Pinterest Logo
I just wanted to take a moment to talk about how much I love this internet sensation, Pinterest. If you don't know about it, you've been living under a huge rock. This website is fabulous. The basic point is that you can "pin" images (save) onto categorized "boards" (folders, kinda) and the image is linked to the website it originated from. I joined because I thought it'd be great to convert my already-saved-bookmarks into bookmarks with pictures so I could find things easier. But then I realized it is one of the best place for inspiration. For just about anything.

For example, I never cook. And yet, I've been inspired to actually cook these things. And they were awesome. They have all been pinned to my "Recipes to Try" Board. And I actually tried them!
And these are the recipes next on my list:
1. Grilled Cheese Update: Avacado, Bacon, Sourdough, Pepperjack...., 2. Campfire Cones!!

I've found some great ideas for school, too. It's so great because my friend, Arianne, is a crazy teacher blog follower like I am a craft blog follower and since I "follow" her on pinterest I get to see her favorite finds! I could just follow the blogs myself, but I run out of time. :( Arianne also has a blog where she shares her fabulous ideas for teaching kindergarten. Check it out here!
1. Sight Word Chants with Free Printable, 2. Fabric Book Slings, 3. Homemade Play Dough,
 4. Make Words with Blocks, 5. Sandpaper Letters Kit

The board that has the most pins, probably, is my "Wanna Wear It" Board where I post things I would love to own.
1. Yellow, Gray, and Cream, 2. Wrap Watch, 3. Big Rock Dress, 4. Cardigan, Lace, Chiffon, Pearl Love, 5. Apothecary Skirt, 6. Hedgehog Necklace,  7. Bow Tie Shorts 8. Feather Stacked Rings,

Of course, if you hadn't figured it out yet, Pinterest is a dream for crafters. I have so many projects saved on categorized, easy-to-find boards like "Women's Sewing", "Jewelry Ideas", "General Crafts", etc. Heaven.  A cool part about pinterest is you can "repin" others' pins. Once you repin 5 of their things, you can just go to their boards to find out they have the same taste as you and then find even more projects to pin from their "boards". Once you follow them your page will be updated with all the new stuff they pin. Awesome. Here are some things that are on my to-do list.
1. Fabric Bows, 2. Super Simple Summer Skirt,  3. Angel Top,  4. Awesome Knot Necklace,  5. Word Garland, 6. Striped Knit Cardigan, 7.  Gorgeous Braided Bracelet ,  8. Little Man Bowtie Onesies,  9. 4th of July Wreath

And then it is a great place to save pictures that you think are just cute and/or awesome.
1. Stylin',  2. Upward Dog,  3. Love,  4. Baby Dwight Halloween Costume,5.  Yoga Cat, 6. Baby Leia

So if you'd like...
Follow Me on Pinterest

I will warn you: this website is highly addicting. I think to myself, "I really should just get up off my butt and go make something," but then I find something else...

I apologize for the lack of posting lately, especially craft posts. I am working on some things, but can't get the motivation to finish them. I also just started teaching summer school and am still trying to balance my time-you know, between catching up on DVR and going to the pool and throwing some sewing and lesson plans in there as much as I can. New stuff coming later this week. 

Promise, promise, promise. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Craftiest Couple I Know Get Married!

Meet Kelly and Kyle, some of my most favorite friends and the cutest, craftiest couple I know. 
I have been a little MIA on the blog the past week because I was having a blast in Paducah, Kentucky last weekend and then I was catching up on sleep after the whirlwind fun time that it was. And what do you know, teaching summer school starts Monday. Whew.

Before getting on to things I'm making, I thought it would only be only appropriate to highlight some of the craftiness that is Kelly and Kyle and their beautiful wedding day. 
Kyle is an organic farmer so he creates beautiful things to eat every day. He is also a fabulous handy man who is building his and Kelly's home and has also built some awesome furniture. See more about that at the bottom of this post! 
Visit Johnson Farms here.
Kelly is so fun and crafty. She is always making something. Including this fabulous Corn on the Cob Halloween Costume,
and these George and Martha Washington costumes
this sweet little dress for her dog, and so many other things.
She was also once known as "The Fastest Knitter in Lexington" (Kentucky). Ha!

When it came to weddings, of course, it was expected that Kyle and Kelly's wedding would be beautiful and crafty!
 Creativity started out at the bridesmaids' luncheon where our artist friend, Annie had painted these gorgeous teacups and placed them on the table for our place markers. So sweet.
All the bridesmaids with their teacups!
 It continued on to the reception that took place in the backyard of Kelly's family's home. A Chalkboard Menu board made by Kelly' sister (designed by Kelly, of course).
Kelly's aunt and a friend of her aunt were once florists and did all the flowers at Kelly's home.

Kelly had been on a hunt for these blue mason jars forever. They were on every table and were beautiful.
The gorgeous gardens around the backyard done by Kelly's mom were perfect.
 For table numbers Kelly had matching frames with pictures of her and Kyle in them at that age.
 They didn't make these cakes themselves, but I just had to throw this awesome picture in here. 
Perfect groom's cake for Kyle, the farmer.

Kelly even made all her bridesmaids bags, survival kits, hair clips, and matching coin pearl earrings and necklaces! Seriously, woman.
Of course Kelly made this awesome Happily Ever After sign that hung over the head table at the reception. She also made one that I don't have a picture of that said "Just Married" that hung on the back of their getaway car that left the church. :)

A few of the many crafts I didn't get pictures of are the handmade headbands the flower girls wore and their baskets made by Kelly, the flower girl dresses sewn by Kelly's aunt, the beautiful ribbon coming off the front of Kelly's bouquet embroidered with a cursive J and all the cloth napkins at the reception embroidered with that same J all sewn by Kelly's mom, an enormous white wooden J that hung on their barn that you see when you drive into their driveway made by one of them, and the handmade jam by Kyle they gave out as favors. Crazy. Gorgeous. 

You can see beautiful (and professional) pictures of this wedding (including the crafts that didn't get featured here) on the photographer's website,

I've already told Kelly I'm hiring her and her whole family to do my wedding one day and we'll just go ahead and have it on their farm, too...ha.

 Not only are Kelly and Kyle crafty at making a fabulous wedding they're also completely rebuilding their own home. You can follow their adventures on their blog, Living the Dream Bungalow Adventures.
They've seriously taken a house that almost burnt down, gutted it, and rebuilt it from almost scratch
2010+390.jpg (1600×1067)
Before gutting
House+Ideas+014.jpg (1600×1067)
During gutting
and what it looks like now.

  It's absolutely incredible to me. 
They say one good way to stay inspired is to surround yourself with inspiring people, and, as you can plainly see, Kelly and Kyle (and family!!) are just that. 
Be sure to stop by their blog and see more progression on the house soon. It will be nothing short of awesome when it's all done.
Here's to my very good friends, Kelly and Kyle Johnson! 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Fiesta Skirt

 This weekend I am in Paducah, Kentucky for one of my best friend's wedding. Also home of the fabulous Hancock's of Paducah Fabric Store. Hoping I can stop by there sometime, too. I made this skirt to wear to her Fiesta Themed Rehearsal Dinner! Believe it or not I got that linen-like fabric on super sale! It's so fun, I think! And it doesn't really wrinkle. Score.
 Here it is without the belt. I used this tutorial and this one as a guide as well. I LOVE skirts like this right now and now I know how to make them! This is the first skirt I've ever made! I wish I had used a little more fabric so it would have a more gathered look, but I'll know for next time. 
I think when paired with that slouchy tank from Forever21, the belt makes the outfit look more complete.

I will be uploading this to Crafterhours' Skirt Week! She has different Flickr pools to upload your skirt to; I'll be uploading mine to the Full Skirt Pool even though it didn't turn out that full! You should join me in making a fun summer skirt and uploading to Skirt Week, too!

Also linking to these parties

Monday, June 6, 2011

CONGRATS! Bunting Banner

Congrats, Kindergarten Class of 2011!!
"Uh...Ms. Watts? What does 'Congrats' even mean?!" 

When I was planning to make this banner, I was really freaking out about if it would be big enough to hang on the curtain on the huge stage in our school's auditorium. 
One of the teachers on our kindergarten team casually said to me back in March when we started planning for kindergarten graduation, "Hey crafty lady, wanna make us a banner or something for graduation?" expecting a simple paper bunting. Of course, I was ecstatic about sewing something awesome and had a million ideas going through my head. 

Yeah, that was in March. Did I make it then? Of course not. I made that monstrosity of a banner the day before graduation. Those who know me are not surprised I waited until the last minute. 
Needless to say, my teaching friend was surprised when I brought this in. And, thank goodness, it was plenty big enough! And now we can use it every year! I really wanted to add a white ruffle strip to the white band across the top, but I ran out of time. Imagine that.
I did not do a tutorial on this because there are a million bunting banner tutorials out there. All I did was use one of those (this one) and up the size a ton. It was actually an easy process- just time-consuming. 

I cut out the letters out of paper first to create pattern for each letter.(Fun fact about me: I cant draw letters for anything, but I can free-cut them out like a champ.) I made a pattern for the flag out of some laminated reading center cards I never used (because I forgot to get poster board). Then I traced and cut for forever. 
 I attached the letters to the front side of the flags with wonder under and then top-stitched around them. The letters, the white band holding the flags together and the bows are all made out of felt, and the flags are made out of broadcloth. Last, I pinned and sewed forever.
 I'm not sure of the exact measurement, but I think it stretches to about 16 ft long or so...
So yay for my kindergarten babies. Yay for your kindergarten babies-if you have them. 
And most of all, yay for school being out for the summer!!
At least for a couple weeks until summer school starts...
Linking to these parties.